barseries flex 3

barseries flex 3
Flex 3 - Using the charting controls - Adobe Help and Support.
Adobe Flex 3 Help. Previous: Next. Flex Data Visualization. AreaSeries · BarSeries · ColumnSeries. Setting a value for the minField property creates two.
In the previous example, Flex uses the BarSeries control's displayName property to .. {label:"2 Per Row", data:2}, {label:"3 Per Row", data:3}, {label:"4 Per Row".
View source of the following page to see the structure of the data that Flex uses in this. </mx:verticalAxis> <mx:series> <mx:BarSeries yField="month" xField=" profit" ... 3 messages - Last message on Oct 9, 2012 at 12:03:13 AM by MF@CH.
flex3 - how to change the bar color in bar charts - Stack Overflow.
ActionScript 3.0 :: Show Data Labels Beside A Barseries Item?
? Here is my code.I run this code on change event. for(var i:uint =0.
Product Version: Flex 3. The IBar interface is implemented by any any series that can be clustered vertically, such as a BarSeries. The BarSet series type.
Adobe Flex 3 Help .. are only supported by PieSeries, ColumnSeries, and BarSeries objects.. Flex lets you create doughnut charts out of PieChart controls .
The ColumnChart control represents data as a series of vertical columns whose height is determined by values in the data. You can use the ColumnChart.
In flex 3 i need to change bar color in barchart like go to this link. <mx:BarSeries yField="Month" xField="Profit" displayName="Profit" >.
Each series has a default renderer that Flex uses to draw that series' ChartItem objects. You can specify a new renderer to use with the series' itemRenderer.
Flex 3 - Selecting chart items - Adobe Help and Support.
Flex 3 - Using multiple data series - Adobe Help and Support.
Adobe Flex 4.6 * Using DataTip objects.
. <mx:series> <mx:BarSeries yField="Language" xField="Speakers". Browse other questions tagged flex actionscript-3 actionscript flex3.
Adobe Flex 3 Help. Previous: Next. Flex Data. Similarly, a BarSeries maps the data to the categories if you do not set a yField. For a complete list of the fields.
2010年2月25日. ACE(Adobe Certified Expert in Flex 3 with AIR), SCJP(Oracle Certified. 如下图: image. 在点击某个BarSeries, 可通过如下方法获得该BarSeries:.
. <mx:series> <mx:BarSeries yField="mes" xField="totalCancelada" .. Browse other questions tagged flex actionscript-3 or ask your own.
Flex 3 - Using pie charts - Adobe Help and Support.
Flex 3 - Defining chart data - Adobe Help and Support.